Shots Foundation manager Mark Simmons received a cheque for £24,541 from the National League Trust on Saturday to assist with the launch of the Foundation’s first two projects.
The Foundation will soon launch a Girls Football scheme plus a Walking Football scheme for the town’s Nepalese community.
Brian Lee MBE, Chairman of the National League Trust and President of the National League, presented the cheque to Simmons plus Keshar Rana, a Nepalese Community Leader, Ed Jackson (Girls Football Project coach) and Brian Oldknow (Portsmouth University Masters student on a work placement with the Shots Foundation).
The National League Trust is a charity that offers grant aid to National League clubs to support and develop their community projects, with over £5million distributed so far. This money comes from the Premier League and the Professional Footballers Association, who have committed to support the Trust until 2019. They each contribute to an annual donation of £1.2m.
59 National League clubs are currently running projects and receiving funding from the Trust.
For further information on the Shots Foundation, email