Congratulations to this week’s Oasis Electrical In With A Shot winners, John Andrews (£2 game) and Gary Kent (£5 game), who will receive their respective payments very shortly! The total amount raised for the club this week was £388!
You can watch the draw itself conducted by club chaplain Mike Pusey in this weeks Shots TV Midweek Extra!
Over £15,000 has now been raised for the club through In With A Shot! Get involved!
If you can, this is an excellent way to help the club while potentially winning yourself a prize, so get involved and show your support!
To sign up simply visit the CLUB SHOP, choose either the £2 or the £5 game and then choose how many weeks you’d like to sign up for from the options displayed (13, 26 or 52).
Alternatively you can call the club shop and sign up over the phone.
For more information and to sign up over the phone call the club shop on 01252 320211
For those who are looking to sign up with In With A Shot, please see the information below:
Two sections will run alongside one another a £2 a week game and a £5 a week game:
(The Total will be split 50/50)
200 entries x £2 = £400 (200 to club, £200 winning pot)
200 entries x £5 = £1000 (500 to club, £500 winning pot)
The winner will be the number that is drawn out, however each participant can have as many numbers as they would like.
The more tickets we sell the prizes are higher, the less tickets, the prize pot goes down.
What this means is, the winnings are dependant on the number of participants that buy a ticket.
This in turn, means that based on the above numbers used as an example, the club would get £36,400 if 200 people were to buy a ticket from each category.
On the above example, this scheme would pay out £36,400 but please remember if people don’t buy tickets for the scheme, then the prize pot will not earn as much.