In With A Shot (sponsored by Oasis Electrical) has now been running for a whole year with this Friday being the 52nd weekly draw!
During this time we have paid out to you, our loyal supporters, just under £10,000 in prize-winnings!
On top of this, the scheme has also seen £8,208 raised for the club over the same period! Considering the strange, difficult and uncertain year that we have all had, this is absolutely fantastic.
The club would like to say thank you to every single person that has got involved so far to help the club in this way and we hope that the next 52 weeks can be even more successful!
We would also like to thank the Supporters Club who have been brilliant in supporting us in facilitating the scheme during this time.
On the eve of the 52nd week of In With A Shot, Commercial Manager Mark Butler said: “I would just like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has signed up for the scheme.
“It has been a very successful scheme that has not only raised vital funds for the club, but has also rewarded you, our loyal supporters, every week.
“We want the next 12 months to be even bigger and better so if you haven’t signed up please consider it and tell your friends!
“The more people that sign up, the bigger the prize amounts and the more money is raised for our football club.
“THANK YOU and here’s to a better 2021 for everyone!”
If you haven’t signed up yet all the details you need are below:
For more information and to sign up please email
For those who are looking to sign up with In With A Shot, please see the information below:
Two sections will run alongside one another a £2 a week game and a £5 a week game:
(The Total will be split 50/50)
200 entries x £2 = £400 (200 to club, £200 winning pot)
200 entries x £5 = £1000 (500 to club, £500 winning pot)
The winner will be the number that is drawn out, however each participant can have as many numbers as they would like.
The more tickets we sell the prizes are higher, the less tickets, the prize pot goes down.
What this means is, the winnings are dependant on the number of participants that buy a ticket.
This in turn, means that based on the above numbers used as an example, the club would get £36,400 if 200 people were to buy a ticket from each category.
On the above example, this scheme would pay out £36,400 but please remember if people don’t buy tickets for the scheme, then the prize pot will not earn as much.
For details on how to sign up, click the following video: