Following streaming issues with last night’s Shots TV Live broadcast, the Club would like to issue the following statement.
Firstly, the club would like to acknowledge that there was a clear issue with the broadcasting of last night’s match footage and we accept it is our duty and responsibility to apologise to each and every person who tuned into this stream and we offer our sincerest apologies on this matter.
We would also just like to ensure fans that over the course of the last 5 home games we have run our Shots TV Live broadcast, we have continued to work tirelessly after each game to ensure that the stream is as successful and enjoyable for both sets of fans who tune in to watch our broadcast as possible.
Over this course of time, we would like to ensure to fans that we are very passionate about Shots TV Live and having given a lot of investment into this project, including enhanced features, we continue to work tirelessly to iron out these issues we’re having at the moment, but remain extremely disappointed with the outcome of this at this moment in time.
Rest assured the Club has launched an internal investigation with how we are now going to proceed with our streaming going forward. Talks have already begun with our streaming providers regarding last night’s service.
The Club once again apologises profoundly for letting you down and we will ensure that we make things right. It is now up to us to ensure we supply a service that we all can be proud of.
We will make a further comment with how we plan to proceed in due course and apologise once again for the inconvenience we have caused last night.
Should anyone wish to contact us further regarding the issues experienced, please contact us at
Thank you all for your understanding and continued support.