

We’re very disappointed to have to communicate that, due to poor behaviour from a minority of people in the East Bank during last Saturday’s game with Oldham Athletic, we have had to cancel plans to extend the area of the East Bank used by home supporters.

Starting from this Saturday’s game against Maidenhead United, and after a lot of time, effort, and paperwork, we had received permission to reduce the segregated area between home and away supporters in the East Bank, thus extending the area for home supporters.

However, during the game against Oldham Athletic, coins, glass bottles and multiple pyrotechnics were thrown from the home end of the East Bank into the segregated area and the segregation barriers were rushed several times.

The initiative to reduce the segregated area was intended to be a trial run and was subject to the behaviour of supporters, and whilst we understand the actions of a few have spoiled the fantastic support of many, we are disappointed that the hard work put in to further improve the atmosphere has gone to waste.

Investigations are ongoing and a higher-than-normal Hampshire Police presence will be in attendance this Saturday and the Club would like to reiterate that any anti-social behaviour in the EBB Stadium will result in an immediate ban and report to the relevant authorities.