
Cash For Shots – 23 February

Congratulations to this week’s Cash for Shots winner, Paul Smith, who will receive his £100 payment very shortly.

An exclusive membership scheme that helps support The Shots’ Boost the Budget campaign – and goes directly towards Gary Waddock’s first-team playing budget – Cash for Shots costs just £1 per week and offers a weekly prize of £100.

Payment can be quarterly, half-yearly or annually by standing order available on The Shots Trust website,, by downloading the form HERE or by picking one up from the ATFC Club Shop.

Cheques (made payable to ‘Cash for Shots’) and cash and electronic payments are also accepted but please let us have your contact details, including email, so that we can contact you if you win!  Cash or cheque payments will be accepted into the draw instantly whilst those made by standing order are entered as soon as the initial payment is received.